PonderNet: Learning to Ponder

This is a PyTorch implementation of the paper PonderNet: Learning to Ponder.

PonderNet adapts the computation based on the input. It changes the number of steps to take on a recurrent network based on the input. PonderNet learns this with end-to-end gradient descent.

PonderNet has a step function of the form

where is the input, is the state, is the prediction at step , and is the probability of halting (stopping) at current step.

can be any neural network (e.g. LSTM, MLP, GRU, Attention layer).

The unconditioned probability of halting at step is then,

That is the probability of not being halted at any of the previous steps and halting at step .

During inference, we halt by sampling based on the halting probability and get the prediction at the halting layer as the final output.

During training, we get the predictions from all the layers and calculate the losses for each of them. And then take the weighted average of the losses based on the probabilities of getting halted at each layer .

The step function is applied to a maximum number of steps donated by .

The overall loss of PonderNet is

is the normal loss function between target and prediction .

is the Kullback–Leibler divergence.

is the Geometric distribution parameterized by . has nothing to do with ; we are just sticking to same notation as the paper. .

The regularization loss biases the network towards taking steps and incentivizes non-zero probabilities for all steps; i.e. promotes exploration.

Here is the training code experiment.py to train a PonderNet on Parity Task.

63from typing import Tuple
65import torch
66from torch import nn
68from labml_helpers.module import Module

PonderNet with GRU for Parity Task

This is a simple model that uses a GRU Cell as the step function.

This model is for the Parity Task where the input is a vector of n_elems . Each element of the vector is either 0 , 1 or -1 and the output is the parity - a binary value that is true if the number of 1 s is odd and false otherwise.

The prediction of the model is the log probability of the parity being .

71class ParityPonderGRU(Module):
  • n_elems is the number of elements in the input vector
  • n_hidden is the state vector size of the GRU
  • max_steps is the maximum number of steps
85    def __init__(self, n_elems: int, n_hidden: int, max_steps: int):
91        super().__init__()
93        self.max_steps = max_steps
94        self.n_hidden = n_hidden


98        self.gru = nn.GRUCell(n_elems, n_hidden)

We could use a layer that takes the concatenation of and as input but we went with this for simplicity.

102        self.output_layer = nn.Linear(n_hidden, 1)

104        self.lambda_layer = nn.Linear(n_hidden, 1)
105        self.lambda_prob = nn.Sigmoid()

An option to set during inference so that computation is actually halted at inference time

107        self.is_halt = False
  • x is the input of shape [batch_size, n_elems]

This outputs a tuple of four tensors:

1. in a tensor of shape [N, batch_size] 2. in a tensor of shape [N, batch_size] - the log probabilities of the parity being 3. of shape [batch_size] 4. of shape [batch_size] where the computation was halted at step

109    def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:

122        batch_size = x.shape[0]

We get initial state

125        h = x.new_zeros((x.shape[0], self.n_hidden))
126        h = self.gru(x, h)

Lists to store and

129        p = []
130        y = []

132        un_halted_prob = h.new_ones((batch_size,))

A vector to maintain which samples has halted computation

135        halted = h.new_zeros((batch_size,))

and where the computation was halted at step

137        p_m = h.new_zeros((batch_size,))
138        y_m = h.new_zeros((batch_size,))

Iterate for steps

141        for n in range(1, self.max_steps + 1):

The halting probability for the last step

143            if n == self.max_steps:
144                lambda_n = h.new_ones(h.shape[0])

146            else:
147                lambda_n = self.lambda_prob(self.lambda_layer(h))[:, 0]

149            y_n = self.output_layer(h)[:, 0]

152            p_n = un_halted_prob * lambda_n


154            un_halted_prob = un_halted_prob * (1 - lambda_n)

Halt based on halting probability

157            halt = torch.bernoulli(lambda_n) * (1 - halted)

Collect and

160            p.append(p_n)
161            y.append(y_n)

Update and based on what was halted at current step

164            p_m = p_m * (1 - halt) + p_n * halt
165            y_m = y_m * (1 - halt) + y_n * halt

Update halted samples

168            halted = halted + halt

Get next state

170            h = self.gru(x, h)

Stop the computation if all samples have halted

173            if self.is_halt and halted.sum() == batch_size:
174                break

177        return torch.stack(p), torch.stack(y), p_m, y_m

Reconstruction loss

is the normal loss function between target and prediction .

180class ReconstructionLoss(Module):
  • loss_func is the loss function
189    def __init__(self, loss_func: nn.Module):
193        super().__init__()
194        self.loss_func = loss_func
  • p is in a tensor of shape [N, batch_size]
  • y_hat is in a tensor of shape [N, batch_size, ...]
  • y is the target of shape [batch_size, ...]
196    def forward(self, p: torch.Tensor, y_hat: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor):

The total

204        total_loss = p.new_tensor(0.)

Iterate upto

206        for n in range(p.shape[0]):

for each sample and the mean of them

208            loss = (p[n] * self.loss_func(y_hat[n], y)).mean()

Add to total loss

210            total_loss = total_loss + loss

213        return total_loss

Regularization loss

is the Kullback–Leibler divergence.

is the Geometric distribution parameterized by . has nothing to do with ; we are just sticking to same notation as the paper. .

The regularization loss biases the network towards taking steps and incentivies non-zero probabilities for all steps; i.e. promotes exploration.

216class RegularizationLoss(Module):
  • lambda_p is - the success probability of geometric distribution
  • max_steps is the highest ; we use this to pre-compute
232    def __init__(self, lambda_p: float, max_steps: int = 1_000):
237        super().__init__()

Empty vector to calculate

240        p_g = torch.zeros((max_steps,))

242        not_halted = 1.

Iterate upto max_steps

244        for k in range(max_steps):

246            p_g[k] = not_halted * lambda_p


248            not_halted = not_halted * (1 - lambda_p)


251        self.p_g = nn.Parameter(p_g, requires_grad=False)

KL-divergence loss

254        self.kl_div = nn.KLDivLoss(reduction='batchmean')
  • p is in a tensor of shape [N, batch_size]
256    def forward(self, p: torch.Tensor):

Transpose p to [batch_size, N]

261        p = p.transpose(0, 1)

Get upto and expand it across the batch dimension

263        p_g = self.p_g[None, :p.shape[1]].expand_as(p)

Calculate the KL-divergence. The PyTorch KL-divergence implementation accepts log probabilities.

268        return self.kl_div(p.log(), p_g)