This is a PyTorch implementation of the paper Analyzing and Improving the Image Quality of StyleGAN which introduces StyleGAN 2. StyleGAN 2 is an improvement over StyleGAN from the paper A Style-Based Generator Architecture for Generative Adversarial Networks. And StyleGAN is based on Progressive GAN from the paper Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation. All three papers are from the same authors from NVIDIA AI.
Our implementation is a minimalistic StyleGAN 2 model training code. Only single GPU training is supported to keep the implementation simple. We managed to shrink it to keep it at less than 500 lines of code, including the training loop.
🏃 Here's the training code:
These are images generated after training for about 80K steps.
We'll first introduce the three papers at a high level.
Generative adversarial networks have two components; the generator and the discriminator. The generator network takes a random latent vector () and tries to generate a realistic image. The discriminator network tries to differentiate the real images from generated images. When we train the two networks together the generator starts generating images indistinguishable from real images.
Progressive GAN generates high-resolution images () of size. It does so by progressively increasing the image size. First, it trains a network that produces a image, then , then an image, and so on up to the desired image resolution.
At each resolution, the generator network produces an image in latent space which is converted into RGB, with a convolution. When we progress from a lower resolution to a higher resolution (say from to ) we scale the latent image by and add a new block (two convolution layers) and a new layer to get RGB. The transition is done smoothly by adding a residual connection to the scaled RGB image. The weight of this residual connection is slowly reduced, to let the new block take over.
The discriminator is a mirror image of the generator network. The progressive growth of the discriminator is done similarly.
and denote feature map resolution scaling and scaling. , , ... denote feature map resolution at the generator or discriminator block. Each discriminator and generator block consists of 2 convolution layers with leaky ReLU activations.
They use minibatch standard deviation to increase variation and equalized learning rate which we discussed below in the implementation. They also use pixel-wise normalization where at each pixel the feature vector is normalized. They apply this to all the convolution layer outputs (except RGB).
StyleGAN improves the generator of Progressive GAN keeping the discriminator architecture the same.
It maps the random latent vector () into a different latent space (), with an 8-layer neural network. This gives an intermediate latent space where the factors of variations are more linear (disentangled).
Then is transformed into two vectors (styles) per layer, , and used for scaling and shifting (biasing) in each layer with operator (normalize and scale):
To prevent the generator from assuming adjacent styles are correlated, they randomly use different styles for different blocks. That is, they sample two latent vectors and corresponding and use based styles for some blocks and based styles for some blacks randomly.
Noise is made available to each block which helps the generator create more realistic images. Noise is scaled per channel by a learned weight.
All the up and down-sampling operations are accompanied by bilinear smoothing.
denotes a linear layer. denotes a broadcast and scaling operation (noise is a single channel). StyleGAN also uses progressive growing like Progressive GAN.
StyleGAN 2 changes both the generator and the discriminator of StyleGAN.
They remove the operator and replace it with the weight modulation and demodulation step. This is supposed to improve what they call droplet artifacts that are present in generated images, which are caused by the normalization in operator. Style vector per layer is calculated from as .
Then the convolution weights are modulated as follows. ( here on refers to weights not intermediate latent space, we are sticking to the same notation as the paper.)
Then it's demodulated by normalizing, where is the input channel, is the output channel, and is the kernel index.
Path length regularization encourages a fixed-size step in to result in a non-zero, fixed-magnitude change in the generated image.
StyleGAN2 uses residual connections (with down-sampling) in the discriminator and skip connections in the generator with up-sampling (the RGB outputs from each layer are added - no residual connections in feature maps). They show that with experiments that the contribution of low-resolution layers is higher at beginning of the training and then high-resolution layers take over.
148import math
149from typing import Tuple, Optional, List
151import numpy as np
152import torch
153import torch.nn.functional as F
155from torch import nn
This is an MLP with 8 linear layers. The mapping network maps the latent vector to an intermediate latent space . space will be disentangled from the image space where the factors of variation become more linear.
158class MappingNetwork(nn.Module):
is the number of features in and n_layers
is the number of layers in the mapping network.173 def __init__(self, features: int, n_layers: int):
178 super().__init__()
Create the MLP
181 layers = []
182 for i in range(n_layers):
184 layers.append(EqualizedLinear(features, features))
Leaky Relu
186 layers.append(nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True))
188 = nn.Sequential(*layers)
190 def forward(self, z: torch.Tensor):
192 z = F.normalize(z, dim=1)
Map to
194 return
denotes a linear layer. denotes a broadcast and scaling operation (noise is a single channel). toRGB
also has a style modulation which is not shown in the diagram to keep it simple.
The generator starts with a learned constant. Then it has a series of blocks. The feature map resolution is doubled at each block Each block outputs an RGB image and they are scaled up and summed to get the final RGB image.
197class Generator(nn.Module):
is the of image resolution d_latent
is the dimensionality of n_features
number of features in the convolution layer at the highest resolution (final block) max_features
maximum number of features in any generator block214 def __init__(self, log_resolution: int, d_latent: int, n_features: int = 32, max_features: int = 512):
221 super().__init__()
226 features = [min(max_features, n_features * (2 ** i)) for i in range(log_resolution - 2, -1, -1)]
Number of generator blocks
228 self.n_blocks = len(features)
Trainable constant
231 self.initial_constant = nn.Parameter(torch.randn((1, features[0], 4, 4)))
First style block for resolution and layer to get RGB
234 self.style_block = StyleBlock(d_latent, features[0], features[0])
235 self.to_rgb = ToRGB(d_latent, features[0])
Generator blocks
238 blocks = [GeneratorBlock(d_latent, features[i - 1], features[i]) for i in range(1, self.n_blocks)]
239 self.blocks = nn.ModuleList(blocks)
up sampling layer. The feature space is up sampled at each block
243 self.up_sample = UpSample()
is . In order to mix-styles (use different for different layers), we provide a separate for each generator block. It has shape [n_blocks, batch_size, d_latent]
. input_noise
is the noise for each block. It's a list of pairs of noise sensors because each block (except the initial) has two noise inputs after each convolution layer (see the diagram).245 def forward(self, w: torch.Tensor, input_noise: List[Tuple[Optional[torch.Tensor], Optional[torch.Tensor]]]):
Get batch size
255 batch_size = w.shape[1]
Expand the learned constant to match batch size
258 x = self.initial_constant.expand(batch_size, -1, -1, -1)
The first style block
261 x = self.style_block(x, w[0], input_noise[0][1])
Get first rgb image
263 rgb = self.to_rgb(x, w[0])
Evaluate rest of the blocks
266 for i in range(1, self.n_blocks):
Up sample the feature map
268 x = self.up_sample(x)
Run it through the generator block
270 x, rgb_new = self.blocks[i - 1](x, w[i], input_noise[i])
Up sample the RGB image and add to the rgb from the block
272 rgb = self.up_sample(rgb) + rgb_new
Return the final RGB image
275 return rgb
denotes a linear layer. denotes a broadcast and scaling operation (noise is a single channel). toRGB
also has a style modulation which is not shown in the diagram to keep it simple.
The generator block consists of two style blocks ( convolutions with style modulation) and an RGB output.
278class GeneratorBlock(nn.Module):
is the dimensionality of in_features
is the number of features in the input feature map out_features
is the number of features in the output feature map294 def __init__(self, d_latent: int, in_features: int, out_features: int):
300 super().__init__()
First style block changes the feature map size to out_features
303 self.style_block1 = StyleBlock(d_latent, in_features, out_features)
Second style block
305 self.style_block2 = StyleBlock(d_latent, out_features, out_features)
toRGB layer
308 self.to_rgb = ToRGB(d_latent, out_features)
is the input feature map of shape [batch_size, in_features, height, width]
is with shape [batch_size, d_latent]
is a tuple of two noise tensors of shape [batch_size, 1, height, width]
310 def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, w: torch.Tensor, noise: Tuple[Optional[torch.Tensor], Optional[torch.Tensor]]):
First style block with first noise tensor. The output is of shape [batch_size, out_features, height, width]
318 x = self.style_block1(x, w, noise[0])
Second style block with second noise tensor. The output is of shape [batch_size, out_features, height, width]
321 x = self.style_block2(x, w, noise[1])
Get RGB image
324 rgb = self.to_rgb(x, w)
Return feature map and rgb image
327 return x, rgb
denotes a linear layer. denotes a broadcast and scaling operation (noise is single channel).
Style block has a weight modulation convolution layer.
330class StyleBlock(nn.Module):
is the dimensionality of in_features
is the number of features in the input feature map out_features
is the number of features in the output feature map344 def __init__(self, d_latent: int, in_features: int, out_features: int):
350 super().__init__()
Get style vector from (denoted by in the diagram) with an equalized learning-rate linear layer
353 self.to_style = EqualizedLinear(d_latent, in_features, bias=1.0)
Weight modulated convolution layer
355 self.conv = Conv2dWeightModulate(in_features, out_features, kernel_size=3)
Noise scale
357 self.scale_noise = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1))
359 self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(out_features))
Activation function
362 self.activation = nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, True)
is the input feature map of shape [batch_size, in_features, height, width]
is with shape [batch_size, d_latent]
is a tensor of shape [batch_size, 1, height, width]
364 def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, w: torch.Tensor, noise: Optional[torch.Tensor]):
Get style vector
371 s = self.to_style(w)
Weight modulated convolution
373 x = self.conv(x, s)
Scale and add noise
375 if noise is not None:
376 x = x + self.scale_noise[None, :, None, None] * noise
Add bias and evaluate activation function
378 return self.activation(x + self.bias[None, :, None, None])
381class ToRGB(nn.Module):
is the dimensionality of features
is the number of features in the feature map394 def __init__(self, d_latent: int, features: int):
399 super().__init__()
Get style vector from (denoted by in the diagram) with an equalized learning-rate linear layer
402 self.to_style = EqualizedLinear(d_latent, features, bias=1.0)
Weight modulated convolution layer without demodulation
405 self.conv = Conv2dWeightModulate(features, 3, kernel_size=1, demodulate=False)
407 self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(3))
Activation function
409 self.activation = nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, True)
is the input feature map of shape [batch_size, in_features, height, width]
is with shape [batch_size, d_latent]
411 def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, w: torch.Tensor):
Get style vector
417 style = self.to_style(w)
Weight modulated convolution
419 x = self.conv(x, style)
Add bias and evaluate activation function
421 return self.activation(x + self.bias[None, :, None, None])
This layer scales the convolution weights by the style vector and demodulates by normalizing it.
424class Conv2dWeightModulate(nn.Module):
is the number of features in the input feature map out_features
is the number of features in the output feature map kernel_size
is the size of the convolution kernel demodulate
is flag whether to normalize weights by its standard deviation eps
is the for normalizing431 def __init__(self, in_features: int, out_features: int, kernel_size: int,
432 demodulate: float = True, eps: float = 1e-8):
440 super().__init__()
Number of output features
442 self.out_features = out_features
Whether to normalize weights
444 self.demodulate = demodulate
Padding size
446 self.padding = (kernel_size - 1) // 2
449 self.weight = EqualizedWeight([out_features, in_features, kernel_size, kernel_size])
451 self.eps = eps
is the input feature map of shape [batch_size, in_features, height, width]
is style based scaling tensor of shape [batch_size, in_features]
453 def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, s: torch.Tensor):
Get batch size, height and width
460 b, _, h, w = x.shape
Reshape the scales
463 s = s[:, None, :, None, None]
465 weights = self.weight()[None, :, :, :, :]
where is the input channel, is the output channel, and is the kernel index.
The result has shape [batch_size, out_features, in_features, kernel_size, kernel_size]
470 weights = weights * s
473 if self.demodulate:
475 sigma_inv = torch.rsqrt((weights ** 2).sum(dim=(2, 3, 4), keepdim=True) + self.eps)
477 weights = weights * sigma_inv
Reshape x
480 x = x.reshape(1, -1, h, w)
Reshape weights
483 _, _, *ws = weights.shape
484 weights = weights.reshape(b * self.out_features, *ws)
Use grouped convolution to efficiently calculate the convolution with sample wise kernel. i.e. we have a different kernel (weights) for each sample in the batch
488 x = F.conv2d(x, weights, padding=self.padding, groups=b)
Reshape x
to [batch_size, out_features, height, width]
and return
491 return x.reshape(-1, self.out_features, h, w)
Discriminator first transforms the image to a feature map of the same resolution and then runs it through a series of blocks with residual connections. The resolution is down-sampled by at each block while doubling the number of features.
494class Discriminator(nn.Module):
is the of image resolution n_features
number of features in the convolution layer at the highest resolution (first block) max_features
maximum number of features in any generator block508 def __init__(self, log_resolution: int, n_features: int = 64, max_features: int = 512):
514 super().__init__()
Layer to convert RGB image to a feature map with n_features
number of features.
517 self.from_rgb = nn.Sequential(
518 EqualizedConv2d(3, n_features, 1),
519 nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, True),
520 )
525 features = [min(max_features, n_features * (2 ** i)) for i in range(log_resolution - 1)]
Number of discirminator blocks
527 n_blocks = len(features) - 1
Discriminator blocks
529 blocks = [DiscriminatorBlock(features[i], features[i + 1]) for i in range(n_blocks)]
530 self.blocks = nn.Sequential(*blocks)
533 self.std_dev = MiniBatchStdDev()
Number of features after adding the standard deviations map
535 final_features = features[-1] + 1
Final convolution layer
537 self.conv = EqualizedConv2d(final_features, final_features, 3)
Final linear layer to get the classification
539 = EqualizedLinear(2 * 2 * final_features, 1)
is the input image of shape [batch_size, 3, height, width]
541 def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor):
Try to normalize the image (this is totally optional, but sped up the early training a little)
547 x = x - 0.5
Convert from RGB
549 x = self.from_rgb(x)
Run through the discriminator blocks
551 x = self.blocks(x)
Calculate and append mini-batch standard deviation
554 x = self.std_dev(x)
556 x = self.conv(x)
558 x = x.reshape(x.shape[0], -1)
Return the classification score
560 return
563class DiscriminatorBlock(nn.Module):
is the number of features in the input feature map out_features
is the number of features in the output feature map574 def __init__(self, in_features, out_features):
579 super().__init__()
Down-sampling and convolution layer for the residual connection
581 self.residual = nn.Sequential(DownSample(),
582 EqualizedConv2d(in_features, out_features, kernel_size=1))
Two convolutions
585 self.block = nn.Sequential(
586 EqualizedConv2d(in_features, in_features, kernel_size=3, padding=1),
587 nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, True),
588 EqualizedConv2d(in_features, out_features, kernel_size=3, padding=1),
589 nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, True),
590 )
Down-sampling layer
593 self.down_sample = DownSample()
Scaling factor after adding the residual
596 self.scale = 1 / math.sqrt(2)
598 def forward(self, x):
Get the residual connection
600 residual = self.residual(x)
603 x = self.block(x)
605 x = self.down_sample(x)
Add the residual and scale
608 return (x + residual) * self.scale
Mini-batch standard deviation calculates the standard deviation across a mini-batch (or a subgroups within the mini-batch) for each feature in the feature map. Then it takes the mean of all the standard deviations and appends it to the feature map as one extra feature.
611class MiniBatchStdDev(nn.Module):
is the number of samples to calculate standard deviation across.623 def __init__(self, group_size: int = 4):
627 super().__init__()
628 self.group_size = group_size
is the feature map630 def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor):
Check if the batch size is divisible by the group size
635 assert x.shape[0] % self.group_size == 0
Split the samples into groups of group_size
, we flatten the feature map to a single dimension since we want to calculate the standard deviation for each feature.
638 grouped = x.view(self.group_size, -1)
645 std = torch.sqrt(grouped.var(dim=0) + 1e-8)
Get the mean standard deviation
647 std = std.mean().view(1, 1, 1, 1)
Expand the standard deviation to append to the feature map
649 b, _, h, w = x.shape
650 std = std.expand(b, -1, h, w)
Append (concatenate) the standard deviations to the feature map
652 return[x, std], dim=1)
The down-sample operation smoothens each feature channel and scale using bilinear interpolation. This is based on the paper Making Convolutional Networks Shift-Invariant Again.
655class DownSample(nn.Module):
667 def __init__(self):
668 super().__init__()
Smoothing layer
670 self.smooth = Smooth()
672 def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor):
Smoothing or blurring
674 x = self.smooth(x)
Scaled down
676 return F.interpolate(x, (x.shape[2] // 2, x.shape[3] // 2), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
The up-sample operation scales the image up by and smoothens each feature channel. This is based on the paper Making Convolutional Networks Shift-Invariant Again.
679class UpSample(nn.Module):
690 def __init__(self):
691 super().__init__()
Up-sampling layer
693 self.up_sample = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
Smoothing layer
695 self.smooth = Smooth()
697 def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor):
Up-sample and smoothen
699 return self.smooth(self.up_sample(x))
702class Smooth(nn.Module):
711 def __init__(self):
712 super().__init__()
Blurring kernel
714 kernel = [[1, 2, 1],
715 [2, 4, 2],
716 [1, 2, 1]]
Convert the kernel to a PyTorch tensor
718 kernel = torch.tensor([[kernel]], dtype=torch.float)
Normalize the kernel
720 kernel /= kernel.sum()
Save kernel as a fixed parameter (no gradient updates)
722 self.kernel = nn.Parameter(kernel, requires_grad=False)
Padding layer
724 self.pad = nn.ReplicationPad2d(1)
726 def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor):
Get shape of the input feature map
728 b, c, h, w = x.shape
Reshape for smoothening
730 x = x.view(-1, 1, h, w)
Add padding
733 x = self.pad(x)
Smoothen (blur) with the kernel
736 x = F.conv2d(x, self.kernel)
Reshape and return
739 return x.view(b, c, h, w)
This uses learning-rate equalized weights for a linear layer.
742class EqualizedLinear(nn.Module):
is the number of features in the input feature map out_features
is the number of features in the output feature map bias
is the bias initialization constant751 def __init__(self, in_features: int, out_features: int, bias: float = 0.):
758 super().__init__()
760 self.weight = EqualizedWeight([out_features, in_features])
762 self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(out_features) * bias)
764 def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor):
Linear transformation
766 return F.linear(x, self.weight(), bias=self.bias)
This uses learning-rate equalized weights for a convolution layer.
769class EqualizedConv2d(nn.Module):
is the number of features in the input feature map out_features
is the number of features in the output feature map kernel_size
is the size of the convolution kernel padding
is the padding to be added on both sides of each size dimension778 def __init__(self, in_features: int, out_features: int,
779 kernel_size: int, padding: int = 0):
786 super().__init__()
Padding size
788 self.padding = padding
790 self.weight = EqualizedWeight([out_features, in_features, kernel_size, kernel_size])
792 self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(out_features))
794 def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor):
796 return F.conv2d(x, self.weight(), bias=self.bias, padding=self.padding)
This is based on equalized learning rate introduced in the Progressive GAN paper. Instead of initializing weights at they initialize weights to and then multiply them by when using it.
The gradients on stored parameters get multiplied by but this doesn't have an affect since optimizers such as Adam normalize them by a running mean of the squared gradients.
The optimizer updates on are proportionate to the learning rate . But the effective weights get updated proportionately to . Without equalized learning rate, the effective weights will get updated proportionately to just .
So we are effectively scaling the learning rate by for these weight parameters.
799class EqualizedWeight(nn.Module):
is the shape of the weight parameter820 def __init__(self, shape: List[int]):
824 super().__init__()
He initialization constant
827 self.c = 1 / math.sqrt([1:]))
Initialize the weights with
829 self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(shape))
Weight multiplication coefficient
832 def forward(self):
Multiply the weights by and return
834 return self.weight * self.c
This is the regularization penality from the paper Which Training Methods for GANs do actually Converge?.
That is we try to reduce the L2 norm of gradients of the discriminator with respect to images, for real images ().
837class GradientPenalty(nn.Module):
is d
is 853 def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, d: torch.Tensor):
Get batch size
860 batch_size = x.shape[0]
Calculate gradients of with respect to . grad_outputs
is set to since we want the gradients of , and we need to create and retain graph since we have to compute gradients with respect to weight on this loss.
866 gradients, *_ = torch.autograd.grad(outputs=d,
867 inputs=x,
868 grad_outputs=d.new_ones(d.shape),
869 create_graph=True)
Reshape gradients to calculate the norm
872 gradients = gradients.reshape(batch_size, -1)
Calculate the norm
874 norm = gradients.norm(2, dim=-1)
Return the loss
876 return torch.mean(norm ** 2)
This regularization encourages a fixed-size step in to result in a fixed-magnitude change in the image.
where is the Jacobian , are sampled from from the mapping network, and are images with noise .
is the exponential moving average of as the training progresses.
is calculated without explicitly calculating the Jacobian using
879class PathLengthPenalty(nn.Module):
is the constant used to calculate the exponential moving average 903 def __init__(self, beta: float):
907 super().__init__()
910 self.beta = beta
Number of steps calculated
912 self.steps = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(0.), requires_grad=False)
Exponential sum of where is the value of it at -th step of training
916 self.exp_sum_a = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(0.), requires_grad=False)
is the batch of of shape [batch_size, d_latent]
are the generated images of shape [batch_size, 3, height, width]
918 def forward(self, w: torch.Tensor, x: torch.Tensor):
Get the device
925 device = x.device
Get number of pixels
927 image_size = x.shape[2] * x.shape[3]
929 y = torch.randn(x.shape, device=device)
Calculate and normalize by the square root of image size. This is scaling is not mentioned in the paper but was present in their implementation.
933 output = (x * y).sum() / math.sqrt(image_size)
Calculate gradients to get
936 gradients, *_ = torch.autograd.grad(outputs=output,
937 inputs=w,
938 grad_outputs=torch.ones(output.shape, device=device),
939 create_graph=True)
Calculate L2-norm of
942 norm = (gradients ** 2).sum(dim=2).mean(dim=1).sqrt()
Regularize after first step
945 if self.steps > 0:
948 a = self.exp_sum_a / (1 - self.beta ** self.steps)
Calculate the penalty
952 loss = torch.mean((norm - a) ** 2)
953 else:
Return a dummy loss if we can't calculate
955 loss = norm.new_tensor(0)
Calculate the mean of
958 mean = norm.mean().detach()
Update exponential sum
960 self.exp_sum_a.mul_(self.beta).add_(mean, alpha=1 - self.beta)
962 self.steps.add_(1.)
Return the penalty
965 return loss