Generalized Advantage Estimation (GAE)

This is a PyTorch implementation of paper Generalized Advantage Estimation.

You can find an experiment that uses it here.

15import numpy as np
18class GAE:
19    def __init__(self, n_workers: int, worker_steps: int, gamma: float, lambda_: float):
20        self.lambda_ = lambda_
21        self.gamma = gamma
22        self.worker_steps = worker_steps
23        self.n_workers = n_workers

Calculate advantages

is high bias, low variance, whilst is unbiased, high variance.

We take a weighted average of to balance bias and variance. This is called Generalized Advantage Estimation. We set , this gives clean calculation for

25    def __call__(self, done: np.ndarray, rewards: np.ndarray, values: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:

advantages table

59        advantages = np.zeros((self.n_workers, self.worker_steps), dtype=np.float32)
60        last_advantage = 0

63        last_value = values[:, -1]
65        for t in reversed(range(self.worker_steps)):

mask if episode completed after step

67            mask = 1.0 - done[:, t]
68            last_value = last_value * mask
69            last_advantage = last_advantage * mask

71            delta = rewards[:, t] + self.gamma * last_value - values[:, t]

74            last_advantage = delta + self.gamma * self.lambda_ * last_advantage

note that we are collecting in reverse order. My initial code was appending to a list and I forgot to reverse it later. It took me around 4 to 5 hours to find the bug. The performance of the model was improving slightly during initial runs, probably because the samples are similar.

83            advantages[:, t] = last_advantage
85            last_value = values[:, t]
87        return advantages