DQN Experiment with Atari Breakout

This experiment trains a Deep Q Network (DQN) to play Atari Breakout game on OpenAI Gym. It runs the game environments on multiple processes to sample efficiently.

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15import numpy as np
16import torch
18from labml import tracker, experiment, logger, monit
19from labml.internal.configs.dynamic_hyperparam import FloatDynamicHyperParam
20from labml_helpers.schedule import Piecewise
21from labml_nn.rl.dqn import QFuncLoss
22from labml_nn.rl.dqn.model import Model
23from labml_nn.rl.dqn.replay_buffer import ReplayBuffer
24from labml_nn.rl.game import Worker

Select device

27if torch.cuda.is_available():
28    device = torch.device("cuda:0")
30    device = torch.device("cpu")

Scale observations from [0, 255] to [0, 1]

33def obs_to_torch(obs: np.ndarray) -> torch.Tensor:
35    return torch.tensor(obs, dtype=torch.float32, device=device) / 255.


38class Trainer:
43    def __init__(self, *,
44                 updates: int, epochs: int,
45                 n_workers: int, worker_steps: int, mini_batch_size: int,
46                 update_target_model: int,
47                 learning_rate: FloatDynamicHyperParam,
48                 ):

number of workers

50        self.n_workers = n_workers

steps sampled on each update

52        self.worker_steps = worker_steps

number of training iterations

54        self.train_epochs = epochs

number of updates

57        self.updates = updates

size of mini batch for training

59        self.mini_batch_size = mini_batch_size

update target network every 250 update

62        self.update_target_model = update_target_model

learning rate

65        self.learning_rate = learning_rate

exploration as a function of updates

68        self.exploration_coefficient = Piecewise(
69            [
70                (0, 1.0),
71                (25_000, 0.1),
72                (self.updates / 2, 0.01)
73            ], outside_value=0.01)

for replay buffer as a function of updates

76        self.prioritized_replay_beta = Piecewise(
77            [
78                (0, 0.4),
79                (self.updates, 1)
80            ], outside_value=1)

Replay buffer with . Capacity of the replay buffer must be a power of 2.

83        self.replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(2 ** 14, 0.6)

Model for sampling and training

86        self.model = Model().to(device)

target model to get

88        self.target_model = Model().to(device)

create workers

91        self.workers = [Worker(47 + i) for i in range(self.n_workers)]

initialize tensors for observations

94        self.obs = np.zeros((self.n_workers, 4, 84, 84), dtype=np.uint8)

reset the workers

97        for worker in self.workers:
98            worker.child.send(("reset", None))

get the initial observations

101        for i, worker in enumerate(self.workers):
102            self.obs[i] = worker.child.recv()

loss function

105        self.loss_func = QFuncLoss(0.99)


107        self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=2.5e-4)

-greedy Sampling

When sampling actions we use a -greedy strategy, where we take a greedy action with probabiliy and take a random action with probability . We refer to as exploration_coefficient .

109    def _sample_action(self, q_value: torch.Tensor, exploration_coefficient: float):

Sampling doesn't need gradients

119        with torch.no_grad():

Sample the action with highest Q-value. This is the greedy action.

121            greedy_action = torch.argmax(q_value, dim=-1)

Uniformly sample and action

123            random_action = torch.randint(q_value.shape[-1], greedy_action.shape, device=q_value.device)

Whether to chose greedy action or the random action

125            is_choose_rand = torch.rand(greedy_action.shape, device=q_value.device) < exploration_coefficient

Pick the action based on is_choose_rand

127            return torch.where(is_choose_rand, random_action, greedy_action).cpu().numpy()

Sample data

129    def sample(self, exploration_coefficient: float):

This doesn't need gradients

133        with torch.no_grad():

Sample worker_steps

135            for t in range(self.worker_steps):

Get Q_values for the current observation

137                q_value = self.model(obs_to_torch(self.obs))

Sample actions

139                actions = self._sample_action(q_value, exploration_coefficient)

Run sampled actions on each worker

142                for w, worker in enumerate(self.workers):
143                    worker.child.send(("step", actions[w]))

Collect information from each worker

146                for w, worker in enumerate(self.workers):

Get results after executing the actions

148                    next_obs, reward, done, info = worker.child.recv()

Add transition to replay buffer

151                    self.replay_buffer.add(self.obs[w], actions[w], reward, next_obs, done)

update episode information. collect episode info, which is available if an episode finished; this includes total reward and length of the episode - look at Game to see how it works.

157                    if info:
158                        tracker.add('reward', info['reward'])
159                        tracker.add('length', info['length'])

update current observation

162                    self.obs[w] = next_obs

Train the model

164    def train(self, beta: float):
168        for _ in range(self.train_epochs):

Sample from priority replay buffer

170            samples = self.replay_buffer.sample(self.mini_batch_size, beta)

Get the predicted Q-value

172            q_value = self.model(obs_to_torch(samples['obs']))

Get the Q-values of the next state for Double Q-learning. Gradients shouldn't propagate for these

176            with torch.no_grad():


178                double_q_value = self.model(obs_to_torch(samples['next_obs']))


180                target_q_value = self.target_model(obs_to_torch(samples['next_obs']))

Compute Temporal Difference (TD) errors, , and the loss, .

183            td_errors, loss = self.loss_func(q_value,
184                                             q_value.new_tensor(samples['action']),
185                                             double_q_value, target_q_value,
186                                             q_value.new_tensor(samples['done']),
187                                             q_value.new_tensor(samples['reward']),
188                                             q_value.new_tensor(samples['weights']))

Calculate priorities for replay buffer

191            new_priorities = np.abs(td_errors.cpu().numpy()) + 1e-6

Update replay buffer priorities

193            self.replay_buffer.update_priorities(samples['indexes'], new_priorities)

Set learning rate

196            for pg in self.optimizer.param_groups:
197                pg['lr'] = self.learning_rate()

Zero out the previously calculated gradients

199            self.optimizer.zero_grad()

Calculate gradients

201            loss.backward()

Clip gradients

203            torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.model.parameters(), max_norm=0.5)

Update parameters based on gradients

205            self.optimizer.step()

Run training loop

207    def run_training_loop(self):

Last 100 episode information

213        tracker.set_queue('reward', 100, True)
214        tracker.set_queue('length', 100, True)

Copy to target network initially

217        self.target_model.load_state_dict(self.model.state_dict())
219        for update in monit.loop(self.updates):

, exploration fraction

221            exploration = self.exploration_coefficient(update)
222            tracker.add('exploration', exploration)

for prioritized replay

224            beta = self.prioritized_replay_beta(update)
225            tracker.add('beta', beta)

Sample with current policy

228            self.sample(exploration)

Start training after the buffer is full

231            if self.replay_buffer.is_full():

Train the model

233                self.train(beta)

Periodically update target network

236                if update % self.update_target_model == 0:
237                    self.target_model.load_state_dict(self.model.state_dict())

Save tracked indicators.

240            tracker.save()

Add a new line to the screen periodically

242            if (update + 1) % 1_000 == 0:
243                logger.log()


Stop the workers

245    def destroy(self):
250        for worker in self.workers:
251            worker.child.send(("close", None))
254def main():

Create the experiment

256    experiment.create(name='dqn')


259    configs = {

Number of updates

261        'updates': 1_000_000,

Number of epochs to train the model with sampled data.

263        'epochs': 8,

Number of worker processes

265        'n_workers': 8,

Number of steps to run on each process for a single update

267        'worker_steps': 4,

Mini batch size

269        'mini_batch_size': 32,

Target model updating interval

271        'update_target_model': 250,

Learning rate.

273        'learning_rate': FloatDynamicHyperParam(1e-4, (0, 1e-3)),
274    }


277    experiment.configs(configs)

Initialize the trainer

280    m = Trainer(**configs)

Run and monitor the experiment

282    with experiment.start():
283        m.run_training_loop()

Stop the workers

285    m.destroy()

Run it

289if __name__ == "__main__":
290    main()